Hormone Balancing

Women and men at any age may experience hormone imbalance. Levels decline or fluctuate contributing to debilitating symptoms.

Testosterone levels begin to decline in men beginning in their early 30’s and is routinely referred to as “Andropause”. Most men maintain adequate levels of testosterone into their mid 40’s to mid 50’s, some into their late 70’s to early 80’s. Men should be tested when they begin to show signs of testosterone deficiency as mentioned. Even men in their 30’s can be testosterone deficient and show signs of bone loss, fatigue, depression, erectile dysfunction, difficulty sleeping and mental decline. Most men need to be tested around 50 years of age. It is never too late to benefit from hormone therapy. It has not been established exactly how many men are affected by Low T. Studies have estimated that anywhere between 1 in 20 men or up to 1 in 3 men have low T.

Hormone Optimization for Women

Just as testosterone declines with age in men, estrogen and progesterone naturally decline with age in women. This usually causes the following symptoms, hot flashes, night sweats, irregular periods, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, anxiety, irritability, mood swings and depression. Around age 35 women begin to enter perimenopause. This is when your body still produces enough estrogen but the levels of progesterone may decrease substantially. This often leads to a feeling of permanent or semi-permanent PMS. The next step in the cycle is menopause, which is when your body stops producing eggs, your periods stop and there is a progressive decline in hormone production, most commonly, estrogen.

Hormonal imbalance can happen at any age. The most common reasons for your hormones to be out of balance outside of perimenopause, menopause and andropause are as follows.

Estrogen may be too high, which can be caused by:

  • Foods that have hormones added to them, such as meat, milk, eggs and dairy products.
  • Birth control pills that contain estrogen.
  • Exposure to radiation, which increase estrogen levels in the blood

Chronic constipation which interferes with the body’s ability to eliminate estrogen properly, then it builds up in the colon and can be reabsorbed by the body.

Too little progestrone, which can be caused by:

  • Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy with synthetic progestins.
  • Chronic stress
  • Lack of insufficient ovulation

Hormones are powerful and essential for maintaining both physical and mental health. For decades the medical community has simply prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy, as though everyone needed the same treatment and the same amount. However, hormones are like your fingerprints, they are uniquely defined with each individual. At Rejuve we believe that balancing hormones in your body, you can turn back the hands of time and feel better than ever.

At Rejuve to balance those hormones to help you feel better, a bio-identical hormone treatment plan may be prescribed. Bio-identical hormones are the exact replicas of those that are naturally produced in the human body. We have the ability to adjust your hormone levels naturally without the negative side effects of synthetic hormones.

We prescribe all forms of Bio-Identical hormones – Cream, Troche, Pellets & Testopel

BHRT Pellets:

Pellets have been used in both men and women since the late 1930’s. They are frequently used in Europe and Australia where pharmaceutical companies produce pellets. Most of the research on pellets is out of Europe and Australia.

Data supports that hormone replacement therapy with pellet implants is the most effective and the most bio-identical method to deliver hormones in both men and women. Implants, placed under the skin, consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones providing optimal therapy.

What are pellets?

Pellets are made up of either estradiol or testosterone. The hormones are pressed or fused into very small solid cylinders. These pellets are larger than a grain of rice and smaller than a ‘tic tac’. In the United States, the majority of pellets are made by compounding pharmacists and delivered in sterile glass vials.

Why pellets?

Pellets deliver consistent, healthy levels of hormones for 3-5 months in women and 4-6 months in men. They avoid the fluctuations, or ups and downs, of hormone levels seen with every other method of delivery. Estrogen delivered by subcutaneous pellets, maintains the normal ratio of estradiol to estrone. This is important for optimal health and disease prevention. Pellets do not increase the risk of blood clots like conventional or synthetic hormone replacement therapy.

How and where are pellets inserted?

The insertion of pellets is a simple, relatively painless procedure done under local anesthesia. The pellets are usually inserted in the upper buttocks through a small incision, which is then taped, closed. The experience of the health care professional matters a great deal, not only in placing the pellets, but also in determining the correct dosage of hormones to be used.

After the insertion of the implants, vigorous physical activity is avoided for 72 hours in women and 5-7 days in men. Early physical activity is a cause of ‘extrusion’, which is a pellet working its way out. Antibiotics may be prescribed if needed.  However, this is a ‘clean procedure’ and antibiotics are most often not needed.

How long until a patient feels better after pellets are inserted?

Most female patients begin to ‘feel better’ within 48-72 hours while others may take a week or two to notice a difference. Men usually take 2-4 weeks before they start to notice the benefits of the pellets. Diet and lifestyle, along with hormone balance are critical for optimal health. Stress is a major contributor to hormone imbalances and illness.

How long do pellets last?

The pellets usually last between 3-4 months in women and 4-6 months in men. The pellets do not need to be removed. They completely dissolve on their own.

How are hormones monitored during therapy?

Hormone levels will be tested and evaluated before therapy is started. and during hormone therapy, usually 5-6 weeks after insertion and prior to insertion of the next set of pellets. After the first year of therapy, hormone levels may be followed less frequently. Women are advised to continue their monthly self-breast exam and obtain a mammogram and a pap smear as advised by their gynecologist or primary care physician.

Will insurance cover the procedure?

Pellets procedure at Rejuve requires upfront payment. Patients may want to contact their insurance companies to see if their costs will be reimbursed.

There may be extra costs involved for progesterone creams or troches and any supplements prescribed. When compared to the cost of drugs to treat the individual symptoms of hormone decline, pellets are very cost effective.

What are the side effects of TESTOPEL?

Click here for the safety information. https://www.testopel.com/safety-information