
Do you wish there was a non- pharmaceutical way to treat erectile dysfunction?
Do you wish there was a way to rejuvenate your sex life and your marriage?
Do you suffer with….
- Decreased sensation (& pleasure)?
- Inability to achieve firmness during intercourse?
- Difficulty maintaining firmness until your partner is satisfied?
- Inability maintaining firmness during relations?
- Decrease in size (often see with normal aging)?
- An angle that causes pain or inability to have relations? (Peyronie’s Disease)
- Family relations strained because of any of the above problems?
Then P-shot may be for you.
How Does the P-Shot Work?
The Priapus Shot procedure is a quick, usually painless, 20 minute, nonsurgical procedure. The Priapus Shot procedure begins with numbing the penis and then a simple blood draw. Then, using a proprietary technique, platelet rich plasma is extracted from the blood and then injected into the shaft & into the head of the penis. There is no recovery time and the results are almost immediate in some men. Results continue to improve over 2 to 3 months and can last up to 1 to 2 years.
Who Can Get the P-Shot?
Your doctor will help determine if this procedure could work for you. Men, both, on and off testosterone replacement; those with diabetes, young, & old, can often benefit from the Priapus Shot procedure. The procedure could lead to lower doses of erectile meds but may not always allow their discontinuation. Size improvements occur less reliably in smokers.
Peyronie’s Disease
Research showed that all 7 steps of the Priapus Shot protocol for treating Peyronie’s Disease can often lead to dramatic improvement with straighter and firmer erections. Your provider can tailor make this protocol for you.
The Priapus Shot procedure uses science shown by research to (1) decrease inflammation, (2) increase circulation & (3) remodel scar tissue.
Why P-shot?
- Non- surgical
- Drug free
- Enjoy sexual relations on the day of procedure
- Increased sensitivity
- Increase desire
- *Increase girth & length
- Instantaneous and long term results
- Fast & relatively painless
- Better, healthier sex
- Improved relations with your loved one
*Results can vary from person to person.