Welcome to the OMP Journal
The Owensboro Medical Practice Blog

Take Control of Your Life!
Sexual Wellness is an important aspect of our lives but we are often embarassed to talk about it. At Rejuve, we have a host of services to make you feel your best and most empowered!

Who is an Interventional Cardiologist?
Owensboro Heart and Vascular is proud to be the home for 2 of our town’s finest and most talented Interventional Cardiologists – Dr. Vora and Dr. Shamai. Have you ever wondered who exactly is an Interventional Cardiologist? Or what is it that the letters and...

Heart Scans for Healthy Hearts and Hearty Spirits
February is the American Heart Month. Every February, OHV offers the communities in Owensboro and surrounding counties the opportunity to get a Heart Scan done only at $99. I strongly urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to ensure the health of your heart,...

The Myriad Uses of Botox
At Rejuve Medical Spa, we offer Botox treatments not just for cosmetological or aesthetic purposes but also for medical purposes. Did you know that that was possible? Generally, when people think of Botox, they think of people wanting to look younger and trying to...

Vegetarian Vampires!
I was just reading this article about the phenomenon of “Vegetarian Vampires” in literature and stories on screen. In other words, these are Vampires who prefer to prey on animals rather than humans even though it goes against their natural instinct. It is while...

2020 was not so bad, after all!
While 2020 was quite difficult for our business as well, we are still quite proud of some things that we achieved in the last year. Even during the Pandemic, our doors were open for our patients throughout the year. We even opened two new clinics in 2020 - Owensboro...